Monday, August 24, 2009

It's Official

It's official, people are tools. This post will be short and sweet. In no way is President Obama and the american government similiar to Hitler and Nazi Germany. Not only is this an incorrect assesment of our government, but it is horribly unethical to call our President Hitler. Besides Universal Health Care is in no way relatable to the Nazi's. I think Jon Stewart said it best when he joked that "People often overlook the German health care policies of the 1930's". It wasn't even okay to call G-Golly Bush Hitler. But for those of you who enjoy doing so, I will say this...DON'T BE A TOOL.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Health Care

Universal Health Care seems to be a touchy issue for many people.  So my question is this. WHY? Its not rocket science people, yes the government has a bad habit of ruining legislation by bastardizing its true intent. (I'll refrain from using the term pork barreling). But still Universal Health Care is not Rocket Science.  
Yes I agree with our President, so you can all start calling me a socialist, but I warn you by doing so you are in fact carving the word tool on your forehead.  Our government is not a socialist government, they aren't interested in creating a socialist government. Obama isn't a socialist. The Health Care Plan is not socialism. Universal Health Care is simple I have it narrowed down to four easy to read points: (These points for those of you who are smart enough to get it, barely scratches this topics cover)
1. If you don't have health care the government will offer a plan that is far better than medicare. 
2. If you pay way to much for your health care and get shitty coverage as a result you can switch to the government plan.  
(My wife's insurance plan required that she pay the first 1500$ of expenses out of pocket and then they will cover everything.  However, She nor I have 1500$)
3. By doing so the government can supply those without health care, "care", thereby reducing the cost of emergency coverage, and lowering healthcare debt and strain on emergency rooms. 
4.  Private Health insurance agencies will be forced to offer better coverage at lower prices with out as many rules/regulations for what they will and won't cover. Thereby helping millions of americans.

This is all that government wants to do, help people.  And I get it news agency get good ratings when they show video of some dumb redneck spewing nonsense about burdening our children with debt and that the government is trying to invade their life.  But these people are tools. None of them have a first grade education on understanding the economy, or national debt, or how the government actually works....hell most senators couldn't find their own head in their ass.  But think for one minute the government isn't interested in you! they don't care about your personal finances, or whether or not you like your health coverage. They just want to help those that need helping. The Economic debate about the cost of government health care is so large that a 20 second sound bite, or some moron senator talking about a retarded idea such as Co-op Health care won't even begin to help the public understand the benefits of universal health care. 
I'm sorry but if you believe that there would ever have been roaming death squads killing old people then you are a TOOL! Maybe a bigger tool than Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin could ever hope to be. But I'll save those two for another post.  
Think before you speak.  No president or congressperson or idiot mayor would ever suggest that kind of thing.  Their career would be over so fast its not even funny.  The roaming death squads are a ploy.  Its an attempt to anger rednecks into showing up at town hall meetings and yelling. Apparently it worked, thanks for that.  If you want to be a good citizen I applaude you, but for the love of god, whomever that might be, think for one fucking minute about what is really going on, and the difference between fiction and reality. Its called common sense. I am imagine that Orwell and Lenin are rolling over in their graves with laughter at how stupid you people are.  

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Don't Be A Tool-"A New Blog"

Welcome to my new blog! After many long a thoroughly frustrating conversations with friends, and complete strangers, I have decided it is time to speak out.  My wife thought it would be a good idea to start this blog in an effort to stop mass hysteria and the general toolery that has seemed to engulf politics, business and news of the day. So For my first post let me say this. STOP BEING A TOOL! 
Over the course of time I hope that many of you will stop your jackassary and think before you speak. For those of you who questions whom this blog is directed at, all of you! Politicians, Journalists, News(persons-this is for the feminists) and of course the most important demographic "tools".